What is the new feature?
With this update, Aidi has extended the sharing capabilities of the reports center. Users with access to the reports center can now set automated distribution schedule for any available reports.
Previously, when a user set recurring report generation, this was only done for themselves. Now, users are able to select specific stakeholders with access to their Aidi instance to receive those same reports. As before, reports can be generated immediately, every Monday or Friday, or on the 1st of each month. These same frequencies apply to sending or sharing reports with other users.

What can you do with this feature?
This feature is ultimately about saving you time with simple automation while distributing key information to those that need it.
Effortless reporting
Given that you can now set automated report generation for yourself as well as specific team members, you no longer need to wonder if specific reports have or have not been sent out. This means peace of mind for you and your whole team while you focus on pressing day-to-day tasks.

Faster information sharing
Instead of needing to generate, download, and then send specific reports out, this feature means Aidi can do that all for you. Your selected team will get the same information as you, when you get it. Everyone remains on the same page.
More transparent lines of communications
By selecting the right reports to go to the right people, on the required schedule, there is no more waiting or catch up when it comes to sending updates. You are able to clearly see and know who is getting what, and when, and ensure that projects continue to move as needed.

What are the main benefits for this feature?
- Efficiency - you spend less time finding & sharing reports, you can set it once and “forget” it
- Staying informed - you, and your team, will never miss important project or portfolio details with automated reports to keep everyone informed
- On schedule - with automated reporting distribution, you will never miss a “reporting deadline”, for yourself or any leaders
Who benefits from this the most?
This feature will greatly benefit users at all levels of a construction owner organization. While it definitely helps with the flow of information upwards to leaders, it can also help with team-wide (e.g. more horizontal) data distribution.
To note, we do not set restrictions on who can receive what data. Users are only able to schedule and send reports to other users in the report center, but that can be a big group. It is up to the individual user, and perhaps through internal policies, to identify which reports can be sent to whom. We suggest agreeing on these sorts of rules as a group before setting up more reporting automation.
With all that said, no one has ever suffered from being “overinformed”, so we encourage you to start sharing reports with the right people, at necessary intervals, as soon as possible!
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